The mixed media course on 21 Draw launched a little over a month ago now. It’s their first mixed media course which was enough to make me want to give it a try. And it focused on strange creatures so it had a lot going for it in my eyes. It ended up being one of the more detailed courses I’ve taken so far.
The course is hosted by Eva Toorenent, an artist with a very unique approach to mixing watercolours with digital colouring. I’ve never done any serious watercolour practice before so I was excited at the possibility of learning a new medium.
The first assignment of the course was 2 questions. I find these things rather cheesy and would usually skip them, but as I said in my previous blog post, doing these courses is my attempt to slow down and do the work.
Question 1: What gets you excited/happy? What can you talk about for hours? (5 sentences)