Weekly Art Practice - Week 39
For these last 2 WAP weeks, I decided to change it up. For each of the days I would revisit one of the themes I had done in the previous 38 WAPs. I didn’t want this to be extra extra hard mode or anything, I just wanted to see how much of what I took out of those weeks stuck around. So I let myself re-read the original blog post and scroll through the Pintrest page of images before I settled in to do some drawing.
Day 1 - Squirrels
Still love squirrels, happy to revisit them. They were my very first WAP.
Then compare the day 5 from squirrel week to this iteration 50 weeks later.
Day 2 - Pangolin
Pangolins still very cute and still very tiresome to draw all the scales. Pangolins are from week 2
Day 3 - Pigeons
Went a little more cartoony for pigeons. Did them back in week 3
Day 4 - Rabbits
Hard to resist just drawing big circles of fur for rabbits still. Another early one from week 7
Day 5 - Hawks
Still can’t drawk hawks in a way I love but these did come out pretty quickly and I don’t hate them. First pass at hawks was in week 14.
I’m happy with this being how I’m wrapping up the year long WAP project. It was fun to revisit the work I had done earlier in the year, and feels a little unreal to compare those weeks to the work done now. Interesting to see how my sketching style has changed and just feeling like my lines have gotten more confident.
I’ll be doing the same thing for next week, week 40, the final WAP. Besides that I’m putting together posts on my favourite books and video games of 2024 like I did last year. And then I’ll put together a big post as a bit of an art retrospective hopefully before the new year.