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40 posts tagged with "wap"

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Weekly Art Practice - Week 10

· 4 min read

WAP is back.

It was hard to get back into this practice style after a month away. I kind of forgot the physical steps of it and had to remind myself of what the days were for. Maybe it didn’t help that my returning subject was a more difficult one: Swinging swords.

I had wanted to do something a little more dynamic pose wise. But it one where anatomy is so important that without a really good grasp of the photo body references, doing style studies feels extra challenging as I’m not 100% sure what’s correct.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 9

· 4 min read

Spending a week on trees is kind of a weird one. It’s pretty rare that I would want to draw a singular tree, more often I’d be wanting to draw a forest as part of a landscape or some simple background shapes where the tree isn’t one of the pain focal points. But I still wanted to do this week to spend time looking at West Coast trees and try to find ways to quickly construct trees that I could possibly re-use for the NaNoRenO project.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 8

· 5 min read

This week is another alternate take on the format. With the plan to do NaNoRenO in March, I know I’ll need to draw a look of backgrounds in a short amount of time. The game I’ve been ruminating on is set around a lighthouse which would mean a lot of outdoor shots and probably some establishing landscape shots. These have never been a strength of mine so I wanted to spend a week trying to figure out a style that would work for both:

  1. The vibe of the game
  2. Could be executed quickly

This leads to trying to find the right balance of detailing. I attempted to try out a few different approaches to this, taking lots of inspiration from Jacob Drawfee's “I made myself draw backgrounds every day for a week”. While also trying to remember the main take aways from the landscape course I did last year.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 6

· 5 min read

This week we’re breaking from the format. Kind of in a small way, kind of in a big way. For this week I chose goblins.

Now it’s kind of just like doing another creature, except it has humanoid anatomy and it’s well, not real. There are no real life photographs to learn from for fictional creatures. I wasn’t sure exactly how I was going to deal with this lack when I started the week but I feel like I found a decent formula.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 5

· 5 min read

This is another week where I wanted to push the boundaries of the format. A large part of drawing practice is to get more ideas into your head, basically to build a shape library. So my goal with this week’s focus was twofold: broaden my mental library of hair styles and also find ways to convey hairstyles as minimally as possible.

After 5 days of it, I’m not sure how I feel.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 4

· 6 min read

Honestly surprised that this is 4 for 4 this month. Maybe I can do a blog post every week. Though I suspect committing to extremely minimal social time for January and my workplace being a disaster has contributed to having enough time to pull it off.

Anyway, I hope you like looking at hands. I don’t find them as exciting as pigeons or squirrels but after a few weeks of easy-ish creatures I wanted to try something that would be a serious push. And which would be applicable to more art pieces. I have an animation I’ve been working on that’s taken twice as long because of how much time I’ve spent fighting with the hands. Ended up going with a very blob like shape in the end just to keep making progress. Time to see if a week of hands can carry me through drawing more hands in the future.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 3

· 4 min read

Another week of having a good amount of time to devote to art. Huion tablet setup is reliable once more and now I don’t need to fight with making sure the pressure settings are working every time I turn it on.

Pigeons are the 3rd most common creature on our back patio so this is a creature a see regularly, unlike the pangolin. Love to see him, love when they awkwardly try to cling to the trellis.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 1

· 6 min read

The way I titled this post implies that I’ll post one of these every week… I don’t think that’s feasible. I have most of the first week of January off so this week is already easier than every week which will follow this year. I think it’s more likely that I’ll try to summarise one or two weeks a month, or I’ll summarise a whole month of practice all at once. It will be difficult to find 15-30 minutes for art every day along with writing and blog management time.

But since I have the time now, I’ll detail how this first week of the Jacob Drawfee Schedule went for me.

Theme for week 1: Squirrels.