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40 posts tagged with "wap"

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Weekly Art Practice - Week 20

· 3 min read

Took a bit of an art break over the last two weeks while getting married. Still did some work on an Altar Stone animation and also drew my Elden Ring character as we’re deep into the DLC.

Greyscale image of squatting Elden Ring character

This week kicked off more focused practice time and I’m returning with: 1 - Focusing on a single piece for a week 2 - A childhood re-draw

Day 1 - Pose

Here’s the original piece I started with.

I can’t remember any of the context for the design or composition. All I know is that this was done in pencil crayon and was likely one of my main pieces for art class when I was 17. So big into my Always Online internet years.

I’m following the workflow that was covered in the One Week Character program, so day 1 was mostly gathering reference, choosing a pose and getting the composition down.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 19

· 2 min read

This week's theme is chameleons, another creature I’ve always loved. But I can’t trace back my memory to any particular stand out chameleons. Not in tv, movies or books. They’ve always been weird little guys, between the colour changing, the long tongue. Maybe that’s enough to make them memorable to a kid.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 18

· 2 min read

This week is another one pulled from old childhood art, another book cover I made featuring a crying sea turtle. I loved turtles a lot when I was a kid. Franklin was my favourite toy, I had almost every book, even dressed as Franklin for Halloween once. These turtles are not Franklin turtles though, this week is sea turtles only.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 17

· 2 min read

It’s time for another anatomy week. This week I went with volleyball poses. I played a lot of volleyball between the ages of ~14-18 so I’m pretty familiar with the sport, but it has been a long time since I’ve seen any volleyball in action.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 16

· 2 min read

This week I went for hyenas. They’ve always been pretty cool and feel like another “weird dog” type. But surprise surprise, I actually learned a lot about hyenas this week. First one being, they aren’t that closely related to dogs. Instead they are closer to the cat family but their closest animal relative is actually the meerkat.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 14

· 3 min read

Some of my upcoming animal week themes are based on photos of artwork from my childhood that my mom has been sending me. This week comes from this ink hawk I did when I was 14. Started to get into calligraphy pens and ink in general. Honestly, this is something I don’t cringe at and I think I would struggle to recreate today.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 13

· 4 min read

This week was my first week at trying to do some focused anatomy and human poses. For references I went with figure skaters as they do some pretty weird stuff with their body that you don’t see people doing in other situations.

Which, surprise surprise, does make it more difficult.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 12

· 4 min read

As mentioned in my last WAP, I’ve made a return to creature drawing to have some easier WAP weeks. I’m not sure how I got the idea for anteaters, possibly Pinterest simply showed me an image of one and I went “whoa strange dog.”

I also tried out a new practice method that I learned from a YouTube video this week. It… didn’t go great.

Weekly Art Practice - Week 11

· 4 min read

This was a messy WAP week. Dana suggested fancy books so I gave that a shot, but turns out inanimate objects just aren’t that interesting. Reminding me why I so rarely do still life pieces.